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Stock Market Timing: Stock Market TIming, Will the DOW INDUSTRIALS hit a new ALL TIME HIGH?

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Stock Market TIming, Will the DOW INDUSTRIALS hit a new ALL TIME HIGH?

The Dow Hits a 6 year high.. This rally is testing the patience of those who have been trying to SELL this market. Being stopped out a few times has been my experience at major Market Tops. If it were easy every one would be doing it, huh.
The moment of truth is upon us... More and more signs are indicating that a potential major turn of tides 'could' be upon us. In today's update I show some shorter term (30 minute) charts to show the current signs the market is giiving us. How Much Higher can this RALLY GO? Will the Dow hit a New All Time HIGH?
The current Elliott Wave Theory counts for the Dow Industrials Index and the S&P 500 index could be that we are in a wave 1 UP fo a Five wave UP Move.
Go to today's Update for a move complete analysis of current Market.
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