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Stock Market Timing: Stock Market Timing. 2000 + point move for the Dow Industrials coming. ShepWave.com

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stock Market Timing. 2000 + point move for the Dow Industrials coming. ShepWave.com

Click Here for tonight's ShepWave Update.

I am publishing tonight's update to show that we have come roughly 80 points from our short term target in the Dow Industrials before the next 'leg' of a potential 2000+ point move will resume.Longer term trend is being confirmed.

ShepWave is currently positioned for the mid to long term trend with our core positions in the DIA and QQQQ. Both core positions are in the black. We also have entered some mid term OPTIONS positions for the QQQQ and DIA. The Window to enter these positions is ''still open''.

I show targets and potential methods of attack we will use as these targets get hit.See analysis in tonight's update to see the reason ShepWave is taking the 'safer' trades and playing what should be the mid to long term trend in current positions.What are the Weekly charts of the Dow Industrials and the Dow Transportation indexes telling us about the future trend?

Click Here for tonight's ShepWave Update.


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