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Stock Market Timing: Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory.

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory.

I had a great email from one of our newer members today. He asked what time frame I used when trading short, mid and long term trades? In today's update I am going to explain in 'some' detail the trading disciplines used by ShepWave.
The markets could be seeing a precipitous change in trend shortly. Our disciplines and strategies can be used for any trader/investor no matter how long they prefer to hold positions.
Longer term positions for the Nasdaq indexes are being strengthened each day.
TRADE SIGNAL for the Dow Industrials today? I give the target entry in today's update. Don't miss this potentially very vital trading opportunity.
go to www.shepwave.com for updates and analysis.

Also Visit our Friends at TOP HAT GOLF.


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