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Stock Market Timing: Stock Market Timing. QQQQ Trading Opportunity shown in recent BLOG.

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Stock Market Timing. QQQQ Trading Opportunity shown in recent BLOG.

Short term strategies and disciplines have paid off. I show what needs to happen to confirm whether or not the recent rally is over and potential short, mid and long term strategies in today's mid day update.
Traders could tighten stops to Lock In PROFITS.
The GOOGLE trade that was shown in a previous update came within 7 point of our target today. Tighten stops to again LOCK IN PROFITS.
for today's update go to http://www.shepwave.com/
All further analysis for this trade will be included in the Update available to Subscribers Only.
Trade Stocks, Indexes, S&P, Dow, Nasdaq and Options.
Visit the Blogs from April 6 and April 7 for the Recent Trading Opportunity that was shown for everyone to see. Go to www.shepwave.com/blogs
Stock Market Timing and Analysis,
Trade Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, SPX, and Options.
Elliott Wave Theory.


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