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Stock Market Timing: ShepWave.com Special S&P 500 Update Published.

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Monday, May 29, 2006

ShepWave.com Special S&P 500 Update Published.

Click here to read tonight's update at ShepWave.com

As many of you know. I use the charts of the S&P 500 index to confirm all positions and trading patterns in the other indexes. Tonight I show some charts of the S&P 500 to show the Preferred Elliott Wave Theory counts at this time. This should be a very profitable period coming up for current positions. Our core positions are in the black. We have entered some Options positions last week that we should keep open for the next few weeks... charts will indicate when to take profits.

Click here to read tonight's update at ShepWave.com


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