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Stock Market Timing: June 2007

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

ShepWave Stock Market TIming. Elliott Wave Theory.

Some nice profits this week. How LOW will the markets go?. Which TREND are the markets correcting?
Please take the time to read through the updates from June 2 through today. I have tried to take this time to show a lot of information. ShepWave is NOT a BLACK BOX SYSTEM. I do not want subscribers who just want to check the Shep's Trading Log and mimic trades. We all have different trading styles including different levels of pain if a trade is going against us. In addition some very smart traders (IMO) trade the longer term and shorter term possibilities simultaneously. This is very hard to cover in a Trade diary. I feel it is more important that traders LEARN the techniques of disciplined trading and then adapt them to their own style. Newer Subscribers are encouraged to read the updates from Mid January '07 through Mid February '07. That was about a month period that we showed a lot of strategies for short and mid term trading.
In tonight's update I deal with the recent action. As stated on June 2nd we saw a potential that the markets were ready to make a move. We had many indicators prior to that date that put us 'on guard' for a potential sell off but the Fibonacci Extensions didn't work out as perfectly until that last week's highs were hit. Then we had the sell signal confirmation this week; even after the Nasdaq indexes left things a bit muddled until the past two days.
So the real question boils down to, as stated last week NOT IF the markets will correct BUT rather, WHICH trend are the markets correcting. This is what I concentrate on in tonight's update. Also, I will go over some short term strategies.
I will NOT be doing much intraday analysis Friday or next week. I made the time this week for doing this extra work. Please read updates closely. Trust me I would be charging a lot more than $20 per month/subscriber to do this everyday.
go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for tonight's Special ShepWave Update

Non Subscribers can read our brief notes posted on our page at Stockcharts.com Click below.

Click here to go to our page at Stockcharts.com

Trend Trading, Trend trading stocks, market trends,stock trends,stock market technical analysis, stock market timing,qqqq, qqqq options, qqqq trading,options, options analysis,stock options, trading options,trading stock options ,stock market technical analysis

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