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Stock Market Timing: ShepWave. Stock Market Timing. Stock Market Technical Analysis.

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ShepWave. Stock Market Timing. Stock Market Technical Analysis.

I have published Thursday's update early. We saw a trade signal confirmation today using 30 minute charts..now we are waiting for the confirmation using 60 min and daily charts. We are already positioned to profit from the potential mid to longer term trend. There is a 64 point difference between the 50 and 200 day moving averages for the Dow Industrials. Averages about to cross? This could be a signal for future advanced strength in the current mid to longer term direction.

Click here to read today's ShepWave update.

GOOG Options trade is up over 50%.. This is a Sept Expiration trade. We will be looking to exit and possibly roll it over.. stay tuned.

We will also be looking to exit the Sept QQQQ Options play in the next couple of weeks. Could be a quick re-entry (later exp month). The charts will let us know.

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When the Dow Industrials Index recently hit a multi-year high in May the Financial Television Channels were pumping the rally. Flashing a ticker showing how many points to a new all time high. Who did this help? Click here to see one of many updates published that week showing our analysis and how we were positioning ourselves to PROFIT from the upcoming turn. Are these Financial Information channels helping the average investor or perpetuating denial as to the mid and longer term direction of the U.S. Markets? Click here to read our update from May 13, 2006. TARGETS HIT.

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