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Stock Market Timing: Fibonacci Relationships in time and price for current markets. ShepWave.com

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Fibonacci Relationships in time and price for current markets. ShepWave.com

For tonight's ShepWave Update click here.

I have published tonight's update to show the fibonacci relationships in time and price in the recent market action. You will notice that from the 6 year high the Dow Industrials made a downward move. It took a fibonacci 8 days to reach a low and so far 7 days to retrace a fibonacci 38.2% retracement of the sell off move. What is the market's next move? Will the DOW see 12,000 or is the top in?

For the month of May ShepWave Purchased some aggressive option plays. We had several plays that the net profit was 100% or more. The options we purchased recently have a September Expiration. We saw the potential for a smaller degree corrective move therefore positioning for the possibility that it may go against us briefly but still ready for the impulsive move to make profits. We could be entering into another period where we could find some quick 100% profit or more options trades to keep open for the period of about a week. CORE positions are still in the black. Remember to use Risk Management in all positions. Always lock in a profit or at the least minimize the loss.. That is our goal.

In tonight's update you will see what ShepWave is looking for in the S&P 500 index to enter some aggressive OPTIONS Plays for all the indexes possibly next week. Potential 100%+ profit in just a few days.

BOTTOM LINE: ShepWave is currently positioned very well for the Mid to Long term trend. Looking forward to a potentially very profitable JUNE with some quick trades as well.

For tonight's ShepWave Update click here.


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