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Stock Market Timing: Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Profit from today's market. Up or Down.

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Profit from today's market. Up or Down.

I am publishing tonight's update to show the preferred Elliott Wave Theory Counts for the Recent action. There are several trading opportunities that will be outlined tonight. A potential LONG SIDE trade is shown. I put in areas to use as a trigger entry. The Indexes are revealing a lot of Critical Information at this time. The moment of TRUTH could be upon us. Will the Rally Continue?

I want to stress again that the fact that the S&P 500 index closed below our previous short term target of 1291 is potentially very 'revealing' as to the future action of the indexes as a whole.

For tonight's update go to http://www.shepwave.com/

Browse through the ShepWave BLOGS at www.shepwave.com/blogs for some recent trading opportunities shown for everyone to view.

Stock Market Analysis and Timing.
Trade Stocks.
Trade ETFs.
Trade the Indexes.
Trade the QQQQ.
Trade the DIA.
Trade options.
Elliott Wave Theory Timing analysis for the U.S. Stock Market.
stock market Stock analysis stock market analysis stock trading trading stock ...
trading stocks stock market timing stock market indexes stock market


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