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Stock Market Timing: Stock Market Timing. Our Options trade for GOOGLE up over 50% this week.

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Our Options trade for GOOGLE up over 50% this week.

ShepWave uses its disciplines and strategies for a reason. Many times traders email me with such questions such as: what time of day do I issue trade signals? Well, I let the markets dictate our trading disciplines. For example, The level I cited as a safe entry for our trade in the DOW INDUSTRIALS was hit today but not broken. My analysis was that if this area was broken that was the trigger to open the trade. Of course aggressive traders can take the trade NOW.. Keeping either the suggested stop/loss area or a stop/loss that meets risk tolerance levels. I show what I mean about the trade triggers in today's update.
Those that took the QQQQ trade a couple weeks might want to close 1/2 of the position or all of it. We will find another entry later. Sometimes it is good to take some money off the table when in the black. I know some of you entered SHORT the QQQQ in the upper $42.00 to $43,00 area. A nice $1 or $2 profit in just a week or two is nice. We will have plenty of opportunity to trade the QQQQ both on the LONG and SHORT sides to profit. Greed is not always good.
Our recently entered OPTIONS TRADE for GOOGLE is up over 50% today.
Cautious traders may want to exit 1/2 of this position as well. Our target is to make 100% profit.
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