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Stock Market Timing: April 2006

Stock Market Timing

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market. QQQQ timing. Trade stocks, ETFs, Options.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Bank of America Special report.

For the Regular Scheduled Update for Monday Morning go to http://www.shepwave.com/

Go to www.shepwave.com/blogs to read this article also.

I am writing tonight's update to share with everyone who is on our mailing list. As many of you know if you are registered with ShepWave we periodically give out Complimentary Trials and Updates via email. I had an email from a subscriber who has been with me for a few years the other day asking why I have tamed down my editorial style of writing. In past days I would sit on Sunday Morning's and write my Monday Update while watching my favorite comedy show on Fox News, "BULLS and BEARS" ; this show has some of the best comedians I have ever seen as guests. They deserve a raise. And they are all so vibrant and sure of their views. I have changed my style to just 'stick to the facts' for several reasons. The main reason is that it really doesn't matter what I think or how I feel. The goal of ShepWave is to present objective technical analysis by presenting the confirming facts through our charts. BULLISH or BEARISH We show the technical aspects to show potential action. We give entry targets for positions, Exit targets, and stop/loss disciplines.With that being said I happened to tune in to CNBC one afternoon last week. Another fine channel full with some very 'fine' comedians. Jim Cramerr ( I think that is his name) was 'yelling' about Bank of America (BAC). At first glance I had to agree with his analysis. BAC does have a nice yield. But, the fact occurred to me that there is overwhelming evidence to show that this country is in a major Credit Bubble. Consumer Credit is at All Time HIGHS. Not only in actual dollar amount but also when compared to personal income levels and GDP. Bankruptcies are at all time highs. So are Foreclosures. One can find examples in almost any neighborhood of foreclosures where homes are selling for 3/4 (or less) of their value. How would this effect the future of BAC if this Bubble were to 'burst'? Enough ranting from me. Now to the charts of BAC.(CHART REMOVED) The Monthly chart of BAC actually possibly supports Cramer's analysis. WOW. What a nice run. Now when the markets dipped after the highs of 2000 BAC went to 16 buck range. For Long Term Investors of this stock. Use 38.97 as a breaking point. That is the 50 Month moving average. This chart shows that this stock has been a winner and 'could' keep on a winning streak.(CHART REMOVED)The weekly chart of BAC above still shows some confirming strength behind Cramer's Bullishness. BUT, Notice that we highlight two price areas in the chart above. For Investors/traders of this stock. A double break below the $42.70 area would issue a sell signal for this stock. Once this occurs keep a trailing stop to ensure profits or minimize losses. Your target would be $29.79 area. That would be a fibonacci 61.8% retracement of the rally of wave 3 as labeled in the chart above.(CHART REMOVED)The Daily chart of BAC above shows the Preferred Elliott Wave Pattern from the Lows of Mid 2001. Notice 911 had little 'lasting' effect on this stock; an initial 20+ percentage sell off followed by a very nice rally.. That in itself is impressive. BUT, notice that we could be ending a wave 3 up. (This could be a wave C ; the stock hasn't been around long enough to give a super cycle degree count). Using Fibonacci our next upward target for the stock would be the $53.50 area. That would make wave 5 (blue) equal to wave 1 (blue). The reason I highlight this stock is that although there is no 'real' technical evidence to give reason to SELL it. There is enough evidence be cautious. Keep the above levels as stops if you are a long term investor. But, also keep in mind the overwhelming evidence that we are most likely in a primary degree wave 2 (ending) for the major U.S. Indexes.That is all for tonight's special update. I will try to publish more of these to those who are on the mailing list. Have a beautiful.ShepWave has identified several Long Side and Short Side Trading Opportunities for the indexes (ETFs) lately. Longer term Preferred Elliott Wave Theory counts are being strengthened. Go to Monday Morning's update for analysis for the markets for the up coming week. Our Option Trade for GOOGLE (June) saw a profit of over 50% in less than one week after we entered the position last Monday.May you live in the 'spirit'.


Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory. ShepWave.com.

As mentioned in several recent updates the U.S. Indexes are about to get very interesting. I show trade signals on different time frames in tonight's update. This 'could' be one of the best entry points for the indexes for some time. ShepWave will continue to identify trading opportunities on both the LONG and SHORT side of the Markets. Our GOOGLE Options Trade that was entered last Monday is up over 50% as of Friday's Close. I give analysis for this trade and possible areas to exit or protect gains in tonight's update.. The main challenge to most traders is when and how to exit trades. Trade management is our main goal at ShepWave. Don't forget to sign up for CLUB EWI.. This Next week I will do some charts for some bell weather stocks such as GE, BAC, MSFT and GOOG

. Click here to go to ShepWave.Enjoy your weekend.Shep Don't forget to visit our Friends at Top Hat

Friday, April 28, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Our Options trade for GOOGLE up over 50% this week.

ShepWave uses its disciplines and strategies for a reason. Many times traders email me with such questions such as: what time of day do I issue trade signals? Well, I let the markets dictate our trading disciplines. For example, The level I cited as a safe entry for our trade in the DOW INDUSTRIALS was hit today but not broken. My analysis was that if this area was broken that was the trigger to open the trade. Of course aggressive traders can take the trade NOW.. Keeping either the suggested stop/loss area or a stop/loss that meets risk tolerance levels. I show what I mean about the trade triggers in today's update.
Those that took the QQQQ trade a couple weeks might want to close 1/2 of the position or all of it. We will find another entry later. Sometimes it is good to take some money off the table when in the black. I know some of you entered SHORT the QQQQ in the upper $42.00 to $43,00 area. A nice $1 or $2 profit in just a week or two is nice. We will have plenty of opportunity to trade the QQQQ both on the LONG and SHORT sides to profit. Greed is not always good.
Our recently entered OPTIONS TRADE for GOOGLE is up over 50% today.
Cautious traders may want to exit 1/2 of this position as well. Our target is to make 100% profit.
CLICK here to Go to ShepWave.com for Updates and Analysis.

Also visit our friends at Top Hat Golf.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Elliott Wave Theory.

I had a great email from one of our newer members today. He asked what time frame I used when trading short, mid and long term trades? In today's update I am going to explain in 'some' detail the trading disciplines used by ShepWave.
The markets could be seeing a precipitous change in trend shortly. Our disciplines and strategies can be used for any trader/investor no matter how long they prefer to hold positions.
Longer term positions for the Nasdaq indexes are being strengthened each day.
TRADE SIGNAL for the Dow Industrials today? I give the target entry in today's update. Don't miss this potentially very vital trading opportunity.
go to www.shepwave.com for updates and analysis.

Also Visit our Friends at TOP HAT GOLF.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ShepWave enters into a relationship with EWI

I wanted to take a moment to mention to our subscribers that ShepWave has recently entered into an Affiliate relationship with Elliott Wave International. I strongly urge all of you to sign up for Club EWI (FREE). It always contains interesting articles. As you all know ShepWave has been 'warning' of a possible abrupt "END" to the recent Bull Cycle. The Secular Bear may be resuming soon.

View our updates at www.shepwave.com to see targets and confirmation signals of the BULL CYCLE ending. Patience is the KEY.. wait til we get a confirmation
We at ShepWave.com are very excited about this relationship. We have always listed EWI in our Links and Education section.
Our customers' education and understanding of the markets is our primary concern. Our style of Updates is different than EWI. We feel this will be a good relationship for everyone especially YOU. ShepWave shows actual trading disciplines and strategies with Entry targets, Exit targets and Stop/loss areas. Our basic Subscription price is $60/Quarter, $100/6 months.

Go to our site to click on the LINK to
www.shepwave.com or www.shepwave.com/blogs

Also we have a Relatinoship with Top Hat Golf.

25% PROFIT in one day. ShepWave.com

Our JUNE OPTIONS position that was entered yesterday is up over 25% today. Not a bad profit for one day. WE are actually looking for at least 100% profit on this trade. This should pay for ShepWave subscription for the most of the rest of your life.
The indexes are at a crucial position currently. Key Fibonacci areas getting hit all over the charts.
Is the HIGH for the indexes in? Or does the market have 'one' more pop left in it? Today's update shows what action will confirm either possibility. LOCK IN PROFITS for short term QQQQ Trade? A trailing stop/loss would be a good idea. Always lock in profits!.

for today's update go to http://www.shepwave.com/

google goog elliott wave theory trading stocks elliott wave theory analysis t ...
technical analysis

Monday, April 24, 2006

Stock Market TIming. Elliott Wave Theory.

For Elliott Wave Theory Analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market go to http://www.shepwave.com/

Trade Stocks.
Trade the indexes.
Trade ETFs.
Trade QQQQ
Trade DIA.
Trade Options.

Stock Market analysis and Timing. Elliott Wave Theory. Technical analysis. Finance. Investment.

Go to ShepWave BLOG at www.shepwave.com/blogs

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Stock Market Timing.. ShepWave.com

After last week''''s volatile week there is much technical evidence to strengthen the future potential market action. Recent Short Term positions have been Stopped out. (sometimes a sign of a trend change)
This next week should provide a very tradable market. With Options week over we can basically get back to work. (making money). I have shown the longer term counts for the indexes in today''''s update. I also give targets.
THE QQQQ made a 96 cent move intraday Friday. This could be very revealing. Now that Market Makers have covered their trades look out. Some very profitable trading opportunities could be coming as soon as Monday.
Entry levels are upon us. A potential 200-300 point move for the Dow Industrials is in the Cards.
The markets could be on the threshold of one of the biggest moves in some time. Don't Miss It.

For today'''' s update go to http://www.shepwave.com/

Also visit our BLOG at ShepWave

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financial analysis day trading stocks day trading qqqq swing trading qqqq swing trading stocks investment analysis

Friday, April 21, 2006

Trading Currencies. Trading FOREX markets.

For those of you trading the Currency Markets go to our BLOG at www.shepwave.com/blogs Click on the Banner There.
The best place for Currency Exchange Analysis I have seen.

For Updates covering the Major U.S. Equity Indexes go to www.shepwave.com. Trading analysis. DIsciplines and strategies covered. Entry Triggers, Exit targets, Stop/loss disciplines covered.
Trade Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, SPY, Options.

elliott wave theory qqqq stock market analysis options qqqq trading stock mar ...
stock market timing foreign exchange foreign exchange ... forex forex markets trading currencies trading forex trading forex mar...

Crude Oil hits $75/barrell. What Effect will this have on Stocks?

Crude Oil hits $75/barrell.What effect will this have on the Stock Market?Apr 21, 2006Real Estate: Boom or Doom?Speculation on the housing market and debate over the housing bubble continues to dominate the media. Some see boom, others see doom. But in either case, you can be sure they aren't presenting the objective view revealed with Elliott wave analysis. Get grounded on the reality of the housing market with our exclusive housing market report. Compiled from three issues of our Financial Forecast Service, it features analysis spanning the past 10 months. Learn How the Wave Principle Can Improve Your TradingLearn how the Wave Principle can improve your trading and learn how to set protective stops better by using the Elliott Wave Principle. This free report gives you a thorough insider's look at the very same methods Senior Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy uses to identify trade setups. How Will The Fed's Next Move Affect Your Investments?The debate seems to never end on how the Fed's decisions will affect your investments. But should the Fed's potential actions factor into your financial planning? The answer will surprise you. Elliott Wave International Senior Analyst Steven Hochberg tackles the question with eye-opening analysis and a must-see chart that challenges the status quo of financial thinking. This isn't the standard "bull versus bear" commentary that dominates the media concerning the Fed's actions. It's brave analysis that you won't find anywhere else. Real Estate: Boom or Doom?Speculation on the housing market and debate over the housing bubble continues to dominate the media. Some see boom, others see doom. But in either case, you can be sure they aren't presenting the objective view revealed with Elliott wave analysis. Get grounded on the reality of the housing market with our exclusive housing market report. Compiled from three issues of our Financial Forecast Service, it features analysis spanning the past 10 months. Learn How the Wave Principle Can Improve Your TradingLearn how the Wave Principle can improve your trading and learn how to set protective stops better by using the Elliott Wave Principle. This free report gives you a thorough insider's look at the very same methods Senior Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy uses to identify trade setups. How Will The Fed's Next Move Affect Your Investments?The debate seems to never end on how the Fed's decisions will affect your investments. But should the Fed's potential actions factor into your financial planning? The answer will surprise you. Elliott Wave International Senior Analyst Steven Hochberg tackles the question with eye-opening analysis and a must-see chart that challenges the status quo of financial thinking. This isn't the standard "bull versus bear" commentary that dominates the media concerning the Fed's actions. It's brave analysis that you won't find anywhere else.

For Stock Market Analysis and Updates go to www.shepwave.com.Technical analysis showing Entry, Exit Targets and Stop/loss Disciplines.Elliott Wave Theory. Trade Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, SPY, and Options.

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Stock Market TIming, Will the DOW INDUSTRIALS hit a new ALL TIME HIGH?

The Dow Hits a 6 year high.. This rally is testing the patience of those who have been trying to SELL this market. Being stopped out a few times has been my experience at major Market Tops. If it were easy every one would be doing it, huh.
The moment of truth is upon us... More and more signs are indicating that a potential major turn of tides 'could' be upon us. In today's update I show some shorter term (30 minute) charts to show the current signs the market is giiving us. How Much Higher can this RALLY GO? Will the Dow hit a New All Time HIGH?
The current Elliott Wave Theory counts for the Dow Industrials Index and the S&P 500 index could be that we are in a wave 1 UP fo a Five wave UP Move.
Go to today's Update for a move complete analysis of current Market.
Click here to go to ShepWave.
Go to Top Hat Golf for your Travel Bag Cover...
golf dow industrials day trading trading stocks s&p 500 trading options tradi ...
trading qqqq qqqq options trading technical analysis day trading stocks qqqq options anal... golf equipment golf travel bag c... options analysis

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Safe Trades for Wednesday

I am publishing tonight's update to show some fairly safe trade entries for Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 19.
On Monday I mentioned that due to Options Expiration Week to expect some Volatility. Well we got it. Now that the Market Makers have sold off the indexes on Monday only to rally on Tuesday.. I would say that they have 'cleansed' their positions. You see they don't want to ever take a loss.
With this in mind some more regular trading patterns should start to emerge again. I give some Safe Trading Plays for tomorrow in tonight's update.

Go to www.shepwave.com for tonight's update.

Go to TOP HAT GOLF for your Golf Travel Bag TODAY.
day trading trading stocks trading qqqq day trading qqqq

Safe Trading Ideas for the CURENT MARKET

I am publishing tonight's update to show some fairly safe trade entries for Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 19.
On Monday I mentioned that due to Options Expiration Week to expect some Volatility. Well we got it. Now that the Market Makers have sold off the indexes on Monday only to rally on Tuesday.. I would say that they have 'cleansed' their positions. You see they don't want to ever take a loss.
With this in mind some more regular trading patterns should start to emerge again. I give some Safe Trading Plays for tomorrow in tonight's update.

Go to www.shepwave.com for tonight's update.

Go to TOP HAT GOLF for your Golf Travel Bag TODAY.

ShepWave Trade Signals TRIGGERED.

The indexes are unfolding in a beautiful Elliott Wave Theory formation. Predictable so far. Tonight I show the short/mid term preferred counts with several trading opportunities. Daily charts issued a trade signal today for the indexes.
Mid to Long term traders need to heed the recent technical evidence. As shown in the recent updates the indexes are beginning to be much more predictable for Short side and Long side (quick) trades.
One NOTE of caution. IT IS OPTIONS EXPIRATION WEEK. If you have ANY options that expire in APRIL EXIT ASAP. Lock In PROFITS.
ShepWave Trade Signals Have Been HIT.
Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today's Update.

Stock analysis elliott wave theory day trading stock trading trading stocks N ...
Nasdaq analysis technical analysis nasdaq 100 analysis

Monday, April 17, 2006

ShepWave. Short Term Trade Signal Trigger HIT.

Go to www.shepwave.com for this morning's update showing the short term trade signal that was hit.

I also show triggers for longer term traders in today's update.

Have a great day.


Stock Market Timing and Analysis.

Elliott Wave Theory.
Technical Analysis.

Day Trade the QQQQ. Short, Mid and Long term trading signals for Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA and Options.

elliott wave theory day trading qqqq analysis trading stocks etfs qqqq timing ...
trading qqqq technical analysis day trading stocks day trading qqqq

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Day Trading the QQQQ. ShepWave.com

I am publishing tonight's update to show action for the QQQQ. Most of you know to use the analysis for the Nasdaq 100 index as a proxy for QQQQ analysis. But, sometimes it is good to show the actual entry trigger and trade targets with the QQQQ charts.
The 60 minute chart of the QQQQ in today's update shows the sell signal trigger last week. It also shows that our first target has been hit. I am not totally convinced that a rally won't occur to bring in a new high. Short term traders 'could' take profits. Longer term traders refer to recent updates for trade management..
I use the 5 minute chart for the Q's to show several potential short to mid term Trading Opportunities. Trigger targets and Trade Targets SHOWN.
The Daily chart of the QQQQ is very revealing and gives a clear picture of the action needed to confirm whether the rally is over or not. The moment of truth could be upon us.
See tonight's update to see what we are looking for to strengthen longer term analysis.
Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for tonight's update.

QQQQ Trading and Analysis.
Day trading Analysis.
QQQQ Timing.
Elliott Wave Theory Analysis.
Technical analysis.
Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
investing elliott wave theory day trading qqqq trading trading nasdaq financi ...
financial technical analysis qqqq day trading analysis trading the NDX

Trade Signals Triggered. Go to ShepWave for Timing and Analysis.

In yesterday's update I showed the longer term charts (weekly) for the US Indexes showing the Preferred Elliott Wave Theory Counts from the All Time Highs set in 2000 to the lows in October '02 to the current levels. I showed also what needs to occur to strengthen the longer term evolution of these counts.
Today I show shorter term (daily) charts with Trigger Signal Entries. I also give some mid to longer term targets to confirm the preferred Elliott Wave Theory Counts. Trade Signals have confirmed. I will show shorter term LONG and SHORT Side trading opportunities in the coming weeks. Also I will show areas to place STOPS to LOCK IN PROFITS.
go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today's update.
Go to http://www.shepwave.com/blogs/default.asp?bid=189
for trading opportunty in GOOGLE.
Stock Market Analysis.
Trade Stocks.
Trade Signals.
Day Trading.
Day Trading Signals.
Day Trade the QQQQ.
finance investing elliott wave theory day trading qqqq trading stocks nasdaq ...
nasdaq 100 index qqqq timing Nasdaq trading technical analysis day trading stocks qqqq day trading trading the nasda...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Stock Market TIming. Trading Opportunity for GOOGLE this week.

Review Trades Shown in BLOGS for everyone to view the past couple of weeks.

go to www.shepwave.com/blogs for recent trade opportunities.

Enjoy your Weekend.


Stock Market TIming and Analysis.
Trade the QQQQ. Trade the ETFs. Trade Stocks.
Trade Options. Trade the Major U.S. Indexes.

Trading analysis.

Elliott Wave Theory.
google goog elliott wave theory stock market analysis google analysis trading ...
trading google technical analysis stock market timi...

Stock Market Timing. Trading Strategies and Disciplines.

I am publishing this update to show some longer term Elliott Wave Theory preferred counts. We have been able to spot many short term trading opportunities on both the Short and Long sides of the Markets.

I give a general idea of the disciplines and strategies we will be using for the upcoming weeks. Of course we will continue to locate short term trading opportunities in our updates several times a week. I also show what needs to occur to confirm whether or not the recent up trend which began in October '02 will continue. I show some critical analysis for long term investors. Is a KEY TOP in?

For today's update go to http://www.shepwave.com/

Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
Trade Stocks,
Trade Indexes,
Trade ETFs,
Trade the QQQQ.
Trade the DIA.
Trade Options.

Elliott Wave Theory analysis.
Stock Market Timing Analysis. Short and Long term targets shown in our updates. Also; trading strategies and trading disciplines are shown for short, mid and long term traders/investors.

dow industrials elliott wave theory stock market analysis trading stocks nasd ...
nasdaq 100 s&p 500 stock market timing nasdaq 100 index ndx spx stock market trading Nasdaq analysis technical analysis

Friday, April 14, 2006

Stock Market Timing and Analysis.

The U.S. Stock Market may not be the best place for long term investors.

The belief that the U.S. Stock Market will present many trading opportunities but not necessarily investing opportunities has been a realization of the ‘Rich’ and ‘knowledgeable’ for some time. Most of the ‘big money’ exited long term positions at the all time highs of 2000. Don’t miss the short and mid term trading opportunities the markets will present.Over the past few years I have watched very distinct changes in the world. Especially in the equity markets, there has been an overwhelming amount of uncertainty and volatility.
After studying I have come up with the conclusion that the world will keep being a changing place. We not only have the threat of terrorism but also threat of social economic uncertainty that could last for years. The so called professional ‘analysts’ get it wrong time and time again which is no surprise to me. Most analysts have their own agenda and use economic and analytical tools that may have been effective during the last 70 year period but the markets could be entering a very different phase according to my analysis.
I use Elliott Wave theory analysis to give guidance of the equity markets to guide preservation and growth of my own wealth.
The markets as we “knew” them are gone in my opinion. The U.S. markets saw a five wave cycle up from 1929-2000. We now have began a three wave cycle correction to the down side that could take several years. I believe we will be in a secular bear market for some time. It won’t be straight down (obviously) and there should be some good opportunities to make money from the markets going both down and up.
Please join me in my search for guidance with my charts. Please understand that I am not a pessimistic or cynical person. I am just trying to add a little more clarity to my trading and investments.
I have created shepwave to help traders/investors all over the world. It is the goal of shepwave to provide the best analysis at all times. We will strive to be objective and unbiased. The only agenda we have at shepwave is to give objective analysis.
We have now reached every major country in the world. Traders and Investors both big and small can now get objective analysis of the major U.S. equity markets. I will maintain a minimal charge for shepwave. Keeping the cost low so even the smallest investor or most hesitant subscriber will have access to our analysis with very little risk.
Shepwave.com Technical Analysis covering the Major U.S. stock indexes. Wave Theory. Specializing in QQQQ and DIA trading and analysis.
Posted by Shep
Filed in Uncategorized, elliott wave theory, stock market timing, qqqq timing, qqqq options, nasdaq, qqqq analysis, stock market analysis, trading the qqqq, Fed, bernanke, trade stocks, trading options, goog, google, options, stock timing, trading stocks, nasdaq 100, nasdaq trading, day trading

Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Nasdaq Stands Out" Mid Day ALERT just Published.

The headlines on MarketWatch.com this afternoon read: "Nasdaq Stands Out". It is humorous to me how although the Nasdaq has lost more than the Dow (percentage) since the recent highs and is merely retracing a portion of the recent down move BULLISH sentiment is still overwhelming. I will show in today's update current market analysis. Will the Nasdaq lead the other indexes to a new multi year high or is it merely reacting to some short term 'over sold' conditions.

Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today's Trading Analysis.

Nasdaq Indexes, Dow Industrials Index, S&P 500 Index.
Trade Stocks, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, and Options.
Stock market timing and analysis.
Elliott Wave Theory.
nasdaq qqqq analysis nasdaq 100 nasdaq 100 index trading qqqq ndx nasdaq comp ...
nasdaq composite $ndx Nasdaq analysis nasdaq indexes Nasdaq trading

Trading Stocks. Stock Market Timing and Analysis.

ShepWave Mission Statement
Go to www.shepwave.com to view site.
Over the past few years I have watched very distinct changes in the world. Especially in the equity markets, there has been an overwhelming amount of uncertainty and volatility.
After studying I have come up with the conclusion that the world will keep being a changing place. We not only have the threat of terrorism but also threat of social economic uncertainty that could last for years. The so called professional 'analysts' get it wrong time and time again which is no surprise to me. Most analysts have their own agenda and use economic and analytical tools that may have been effective during the last 70 year period but the markets could be entering a very different phase according to my analysis.
I use Elliott Wave theory analysis to give guidance of the equity markets to guide preservation and growth of my own wealth.
The markets as we "knew" them are gone in my opinion. The U.S. markets saw a five wave cycle up from 1929-2000. We now have began a three wave cycle correction to the down side that could take several years. I believe we will be in a secular bear market for some time. It won't be straight down (obviously) and there should be some good opportunities to make money from the markets going both down and up.
Please join me in my search for guidance with my charts. Please understand that I am not a pessimistic or cynical person. I am just trying to add a little more clarity to my trading and investments.
I have created shepwave to help traders/investors all over the world. It is the goal of shepwave to provide the best analysis at all times. We will strive to be objective and unbiased. The only agenda we have at shepwave is to give objective analysis.
We have now reached every major country in the world. Traders and Investors both big and small can now get objective analysis of the major U.S. equity markets. I will maintain a minimal charge for shepwave. Keeping the cost low so even the smallest investor or most hesitant subscriber will have access to our analysis with very little risk.
Shepwave.com Technical Analysis covering the Major U.S. stock indexes. Wave Theory. Specializing in QQQQ and DIA trading and analysis.

Common key words for shepwave search: qqqq, qqqq trading, qqqq analysis, qqqq quotes, nasdaq 100, elliott wave theory, qqqq options, stock market, trading stocks, qqq, trading options,dia, dia analysis, dia quotes,dia options, qqqq timing, dia timingmarket timing,dia trading
stock market elliott wave theory qqqq stock market analysis qqqq trading stoc ...
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Short term Targets have been HIT.

I have published a mid day update to show that the targets set in last night's update have hit. I provide further trade management techniques and targets in today's update. Now may be a good time to ENTER a position if you are not already in.

Longer term trend is confirming.

If you took the short term trade in the Nasdaq 100 (QQQQ) GET OUT. Or at the least put in a stop to lock in profits.

The action of the S&P 500 index is confimring Mid to Longer term analysis.

go to for today's update at http://www.shepwave.com/ for analysis and targets.

Browse through the ShepWave BLOG for some of the Recent Trading Opportunities shown for all to view there. The SHORT side trade in GOOG (Google) is still alive. Keep the recent high of 420 as a stop. Remember our target for the LONG side trade just a couple of weeks ago was 419. Target has been hit and a potential Reversal Trade is in the works.
Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
Elliott Wave Theory.
Trade Stocks.
Trade the Indexes.
Trade ETFs.
Trade the QQQQ.
Trade the DIA.
Trade Options.
Stock Market timing and analysis. To subscribe to ShepWave go to http://www.shepwave.com/services/

stock market Stock analysis u.s. stock market stock market analysis stock tra ...
stock trading trading stocks etf etfs stock market timing trading etfs stock timing e-mini e-mini analysis. stock index trading

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Profit from today's market. Up or Down.

I am publishing tonight's update to show the preferred Elliott Wave Theory Counts for the Recent action. There are several trading opportunities that will be outlined tonight. A potential LONG SIDE trade is shown. I put in areas to use as a trigger entry. The Indexes are revealing a lot of Critical Information at this time. The moment of TRUTH could be upon us. Will the Rally Continue?

I want to stress again that the fact that the S&P 500 index closed below our previous short term target of 1291 is potentially very 'revealing' as to the future action of the indexes as a whole.

For tonight's update go to http://www.shepwave.com/

Browse through the ShepWave BLOGS at www.shepwave.com/blogs for some recent trading opportunities shown for everyone to view.

Stock Market Analysis and Timing.
Trade Stocks.
Trade ETFs.
Trade the Indexes.
Trade the QQQQ.
Trade the DIA.
Trade options.
Elliott Wave Theory Timing analysis for the U.S. Stock Market.
stock market Stock analysis stock market analysis stock trading trading stock ...
trading stocks stock market timing stock market indexes stock market

Stock Market TIming and Analysis.

I have published today's mid day update to show that short term trade targets issued last week with trade entry signals have been hit. Time to manage trades. Short term traders may want to take profits or at the least tighten stops to LOCK IN PROFITS.

The fact that the S&P 500 index broke through short term target could BE HUGE.In today's mid day update I also show the revealing chart patterns of the Nasdaq 100 index and what needs to occur to confirm either bullish or bearish strength.

Will the rally return? Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today's CRITICAL mid day ALERT.

For Stock Market TIming and Analysis go to ShepWave.
Browse through our BLOG for recent Trade Entries that have been open to all to veiw.http://www.shepwave.com/blogs/default.asp?bid=182

Elliott Wave Theory. Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
Trade the QQQQ, Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, DIA, and Options.

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Stock Market Timing and Analysis.

I am publishing tonight's update to show some critical technical evidence in the recent market action. I give targets for the Indexes and show what needs to occur to confirm either the rally is still in motion or the 'secular' bear is possibly back. Will we get a new multi year high for the indexes?
The S&P 500 index has come within 2 points of our short term target. I show analysis to confirm Bear or Bull mode.
Also We could very possibly have a safe trade entry Tuesday for the QQQQ. Short term trading opportunity. I show trigger and targets in tonight's update.
What are the charts of GOLD telling us. I show some long term targets for GOLD in tonight's update. The weekly chart of GOLD is a Fibonacci/ Elliott Work of Beauty.

Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for tonight's Update.
For recent GOOGLE trade Opportunities Shown in BLOG for everyone to view go to
For QQQQ Trades highlighted scrol through the BLOGs at www.shepwave.com/blogs

Have a Great day. Plenty of Trading opportunities for everyone this week.
Elliott Wave Theory analysis Covering the Major U.S. Equity Indexes.
Trade Stocks.
Trade Indexes.
Trade ETFs.
Trade QQQQ.
Trade DIA.
Trade Options.
Stock Market TIming and Analysis.
google goog stocks stock market nasdaq qqqq stock market analysis trading sto ...
trading stocks nasdaq 100 stock market timing trading qqqq

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Trading Opportunity for GOOGLE this week. (GOOG)

Stock Market Timing and Analysis.

Go to www.shepwave.com for a potential trading opportunity for this week in GOOGLE (GOOG).
The position we highlighted a couple of weeks ago in GOOGLE has net a nice profit. Time to possibly take profits and flip.
go to www.shepwave.com/blogs to view this week's trading opportunity in GOOGLE.

Subscribers log in to www.shepwave.com for updates and this week's analysis in the Indexes, ETFs, Etc.
Have a great day.

Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
Trade Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, Options.

Elliott Wave Theory. Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
Strategies and Disciplines.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Stock Market Timing. QQQQ Trading Opportunity shown in recent BLOG.

Short term strategies and disciplines have paid off. I show what needs to happen to confirm whether or not the recent rally is over and potential short, mid and long term strategies in today's mid day update.
Traders could tighten stops to Lock In PROFITS.
The GOOGLE trade that was shown in a previous update came within 7 point of our target today. Tighten stops to again LOCK IN PROFITS.
for today's update go to http://www.shepwave.com/
All further analysis for this trade will be included in the Update available to Subscribers Only.
Trade Stocks, Indexes, S&P, Dow, Nasdaq and Options.
Visit the Blogs from April 6 and April 7 for the Recent Trading Opportunity that was shown for everyone to see. Go to www.shepwave.com/blogs
Stock Market Timing and Analysis,
Trade Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, SPX, and Options.
Elliott Wave Theory.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Stock Market Timing. QQQQ Trading Opportunity for today, April 6

I have published another blog showing a potential agressive Entry for a pwosition in the QQQQ. Go to www.shepwave.com/blogs for the update this afternoon. Refer to last night’s blog update for longer term targets.

Stock Market analysis and timing.Trading opportunity for the QQQQ TODAY.stock market qqqq stock market analysis qqqq analysis qqqq trading stock mark stock market timing trading qqqq qqqq options qqqq quotes stock trends trend trading

Posted in Uncategorized, elliott wave theory, stock market timing, qqqq timing, qqqq options, nasdaq, qqqq analysis, stock market analysis, trading the qqqq, Fed, bernanke, trade stocks, trading options

QQQQ Trade Set Up for Everyone To VIEW...

Go to www.shepwave.com/blogs for a Potential Trading Opportunity for Thursday, April 6.
Short term trade opportunity for the QQQQ. This trade if entered may be a mid to long term trade. Go to www.shepwave.com for full analysis and trading strategies and disciplines.

Trade Stocks.
Trade ETFs.
Trade Indexes.
Trade Options.
Elliott Wave Theory analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market.
Stock Market Timing and Analysis.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Trading Opportunities in today's market.

am publishing today’s udpate to show recent action. We saw the ‘Throw Over’ mentioned in last night’s update. Is a Key High in? Or will the indexes continue to rally? In today’s update I show some potential patterns and what needs to happen to confirm the potential scenarios. Will we see an Outside Down Week for the Indexes?
Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today’s update and Strategies/Disciplines in trading the Current Markets.
Stock Market Timing and Analysis.
Elliott Wave Theory.
Trade Stocks, Indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, or Options.
Trading Disciplines and Strategies described in our reports.
Posted in Uncategorized, elliott wave theory, stock market timing, qqqq timing, qqqq options, nasdaq, qqqq analysis, stock market analysis, trading the qqqq,

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Trading Opportunities for Wednesday, April 5

I have just published the regular scheduled update for Thursday Morning Early. The indexes are potentially tipping their hand. There are some potential easy (no brainer) trade entries for tomorrow.... Thursday possibly.

We will be watching the S&P 500 index very closely for confirmation.
See tonight's update for analysis and trade entry trigger targets, stop loss areas and trade exit targets.

go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for tonight's update.

Stock Market Timing and Analysis. Elliott Wave Theory. Trade Stocks, ETFs, Indexes, QQQQ, DIA and Options.Trading Strategies and Disciplines.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Stock Market Timing. ShepWave Update Just Published.

The indexes took off to a great start this morning. I show some long and short term trading opportunities in today's update. I also show previous trade management. Lock in profits or not?
The action in today's market was very revealing. I was talking to a partner this morning and mentioned that It would NOT surprise me if the markets rallied early and quickly turned downward. So, What is to be expected now? Will we have an Outside Down WEEK?
Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today's udpate.

Elliott Wave Theory.
Stock Market Timing.
QQQQ, DIA, ETFs, Trading and Analysis.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stock Market Timing. Profit in the Markets.

Last week we had some Triggered Entries on the DOW Industrials index. The index has began hitting our initial targets. Should we take Profits? (over 100 points profit for last week's short term trade in the DOW.) I will show some targets for this week in today's update. Also the NDX should provide some beautiful trading opportunities. Last week provided a profit of potential 40+ points.

Go to http://www.shepwave.com/ for today's Update.

Trade the U.S. Stock Market.
Trade indexes, ETFs, QQQQ, DIA, Stocks, Options.
Elliott Wave Theroy analysis covering the U.S. Stock Market.

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